Scavenger doctrine is simply the best 1vs1 doctrine vs USF.
CP8 Ostwind comes at a moment hard counters are minutes far behind, even more if the USF player invested in fuel upgrades and a stuart.
Ostwind + raketen has always been a really good combo.
I let you watch again the match Barton vs Jesulin but Barton has been able to last really long after being dominated, to call 2 king tigers just because Ostwind + raken is one of the most powerful combo in game. This and being lucking to not lose his raketen when they were clearly over extending and had to retreat through various Jesulin's squads.
rak problem = any atgun problem. Do you think pak hits better t-70 and stuart? Do you think M1 hits better kubel and 222?
Rak missing problem is a perception issue of some people here only playing OKW. Aim time is balance with the camo, you can't have the same aim time as any other atgun and also being able to camo till mid range shot from your target. If you can't acknowledge that, better not be part of the balance team.
I'll argue that Barton been able to survive to extend the game to 1 hour were due to the map (never liked Crossing as USF against either faction) but specially some miss micro from part of Jesulin when managing their tanks (that middle push with all tanks getting stuck was painful to see). This was balanced by Barton losing infantry squads left and right (those SP with Schreck and zook would had been a pain to deal with if they survived).
Anyway, if you could read between lines, you would realize i'm not saying that both units are USELESS. I've said it plenty of times, Scavenge is a great 1v1 commander and i'll argue it's the "Guard Motor" of OKW.
I do think normal At guns have less problems than rak to hit light vehicles. Range and aim time makes the difference. A light vehicle moving perpendicular through the arc of an AT gun will get shot at. The same thing can't be said about the rak.
Yes, rak and AT guns are completely different units which different pros and cons. Crew survivability, range, aim time vs cloak, garrison, retreat, scaling.
I've already said that it's more than questionable the vet 1 bonus (no speed penalty) but i don't think that at vet 0 are such an amazing unit. Cloak is there to offset the vulnerabilities of the rak, but i don't think that's enough to help OKW on the early game.
I do think it's an undervalued unit for the medium tank stage, specially if you get a pair of them, but i do get the complains about the unit.