I did the following test and left it running for like 15mins.
A: Invulnerable Volk model with STG
B: Inv Volk m.
C: Vulnerable Volk m.
-Made 3 lines of sandbag of 2 segments. Space between each other only for 1 model.
-Sandbag 20m away (nade range)
-Put B in the middle and added 7 C models around it. 8 models on the 2nd and 3rd line.
-A targeted B
-1st row: only 1 model to the left n right got hit
-2nd row: 4 models
-3rd row: 5 models
This wasn't perfectly alined (and i should had put 9 models so 4 to each side but i was lazy) so results may vary but it seems that it hits things in a cone which extends from the targeted model.