Steam Workshop disagrees. We are years deep in this game.
As in, the issue isn't that new maps need to be created, but new maps need to be in the rotation.
"so unless you pick already released community maps and polished them properly, forget about getting new ones."
Words from one of our mapmakers (during the 2v2 tournament/map release)
About 4v4 maps:
Cause the time it takes to make one, test it, and have it be "meh" by 1 person is about 8 months of time.
About picking maps from the Steam Workshop.
It is unreasonable.
This is why. We have to contact the original map maker, see if they are willing to put in the testing and QoL changes that they will all need.
They are almost 100% inactive, so then we have to unpack the map ourselves and do all the work ourselves, then still give credit to them and that is IF we find any that are even 50% completed as most aren't.
And if they are completed they are almost certainty stolen campaign maps where they did next to zero work OR horrifically unbalanced OR a comp stomp map.