I do believe issues with deep snow, ice, and blizzards were conflated and removed by association. I agree that the bigger issue was deep snow and map design.
But, as far as ice is concerned, it's heavily flawed: all ice is the same, whereas there is water that is shallow enough to cross with units. Since there's no differentiation of depth for ice, you have tanks phasing through solid ground because the front tracks were on 1 inch deep ice. This is still actually a problem and wasn't fixed by removing cold tech.
Also I don't remember now if volks schrecks allowed for volks to move through deep snow (I think just sturm pios aren't slowed by terrain type, and even them I think it really only affects water, not deep snow.) I think the immunity was from losing temperature in deep snow.
Gad it's been a while since that time.
Volks schreck upgrade gave cold immunity not slow effects. I think SP were immune to both.
There were several problems with Blizzard and Cold Tech and basically no effort/resources to balance it for multiplayer therefore removing it was easier.
1- There's no interaction between blizzards and environment besides your units dying if left on the cold.
2- The high risk of going through ice with units has no equivalent reward.
3- No practical way to interact with deep snow. No benefit nor way to clear it.
4- Bonfire/firepits costing mp.
5- Random duration and appearance.
6- Only certain commander abilities were disabled (IIRC you could cast something just right before the blizzard arrived and it would be active).
Some solutions to make it kinda appealing:
-Units don't die of cold (because losing units on retreat was bad). They get a debuff to offensive combat skills or in the extreme of been freezed and on deep snow, maybe they could lose HP but not kill models (in a slow way such as white phosporous).
-Ice get's more resilient during blizzards, taking more damage before it breaks down. Water patches forms ice faster as well.
-Deep snow can be cleared by more means: explosives, vehicles, fire. It comes back during Blizzards. Unit on retreat ignore deep snow slow penalties.
-Deep snow provides camo for units remaining still on it (hold fire on every unit?). This is to give it some kind of role.
-Remove xp (yeah there was) on bonfires and mp cost. Give it a cooldown instead.
-Give it a 2 min warning before appearing. Disable offmaps 1 min prior to appearing (so you couldn't just call abilities before it happened and give it time for others to end). Normalise duration and appearance.
All of this is dandy, but this doesn't fix one of the biggest detractors for many. PERFORMANCE.