Isn't Stuveh "the best" player since he won the last recent 2v2 tournament? How many times did we see full simcity build been used during it? Or on any of the previous 1v1 tournaments.
We have seen plenty of times best players or unorthodox players using non meta units and been successful with them. Success doesn't mean overpowereness. And beating good players ONCE in automatch means little to nothing is no one is tryharding for it.
OP is asking for solutions to his problem. You are just coming with: "What if" and whining.
-UKF has very good defensive abitlys (like ost) > can hold the groud where he want to set up bofors
He still needs to set up at least 2 or more units to protect it while building. The builder and an IS/MG. You have numbers advantage. Even if he manages to build it, you have the whole map in 1v1 to fight around it.
- bofors can come out with right doc in under 6min...which means you have no long time to prepare for it
The game starts in the loading screen. If you know the map is good for emplacements and he has cancer commander, you should prepare for it. Even if it comes early and locks down the map, it means you just have to wait for the game to go to the late game before been able to tackle it down. Just like the sniper thread, yeah it's annoying, but it is what it is.
-brit player can expand from this point without to ave big fear to lose ground near bofors
- base raping sound good in 1v1...doesnt work in teamgames AND new UKF mines AND AT nades say hello to your baseraping
- the point is: this effective emplacment cost to less. one bofors doesnt deny early you to bring out fast armor...yes it cost some fuel...but every minute the brit player can hold the fuel BECAUSE of the bofors...its a win for the eraly first tank...he can easily safe his own fuel...while cap the enemy fuel
Losing ground =/= losing the game. If he is gonna go for more than 1 bofors, i don't see how you can't just back tech to Medic HQ. If he goes full yolo with mortar as well, then how the hell is he gonna "push" you around. Play "safe" till Flak HQ.
If it's freaking teamgames, why the hell you are both going Mech HQ against UKF. As OP said, he has no issues with OH.
Please, don't project YOUR problems into other players. If the whole small pro community suddenly brings this as an issue, starts to spam it in every single tournament game, i might change my mind. But since the Cancer commander nerfs and the reduction to mortars emplacement AA, the power of the strat has gone down several places in tier.
Can it work from time to time. Of course, if it never work we should have to (please don't kill me) ask for buffs.
The biggest point is: can it be countered or not?
IB4: but it takes too much effort to counter it as oppose to use it.
BUT, the profit return on it has been dramatically decreased as say 2 years ago.