At this point I tend to T2 - T3 and I've heard some good things about T1 - T4 (though I'm not sure it incorporates the new patch).
I basically rush T70s followed by T34s and I play very aggressively. It worked in 1vs1 on both occasions , though I'm not sure it translates well to larger maps. I believe this build has been posted before by someone else (or at least something very simular), though not in this thread. In both games I played with this technique, I didn't run into an early Scout Car, so when it happens to you, you might want to consider building some AT earlier on.
Use your engineer to cap your own fuel point. Build two conscripts and send them to your opponents fuel point. Don't upgrade to molotovs or AT grenades, conserve your fuel.
Go T2 and build 2 maxim squads. Go T3 and start building T70s (amount depends on situation). Then save up for your first T34 and build a Field Gun if you find the chance. (field gun can be replaced by other unit if found necessary)
Continue to build T34s, and use your floating MP to get supporting units depending on what to counter. If played aggressively, you should be able to hold both fuel points, so Panzers should be a rare problem. I went for Heavy Mortars on both occasions, because the enemy started to pump out AT Guns. This last bit really depends on what you are dealing with, but the map control superiority should give you plenty of an advantage to stand ground or even rush their base.
Like I said, it's a rather standard T3 rush.
Update: forgot to mention it, but extra fuel caches are also required, as early on as possible. I did it around the period my maxims were on the field.
Long time Lurker, first time post;
I Like T2-T3 but, I'm having a hard time finding a reason to not go T 1/2 (who cares) to T4 and pick Guards +120mm Motor doctrine, Get both those units, and only get T2 for ATgun to support my enveitable Su-85.
However, Most low-level german players don't rush for Ostwind (why? i have no idea) and the meta game for low level, In my experience, seems to be "WHO's GONNA GET IT 1st?!" (PIV or SU-85).
Since I love the Guards + 120mm Motor Doctine (sorry, forgot the name), I love the Double (atk+) T34 Call-In since the recent T-34 buff; it's like a DOUBLE buff!
I always always always, get/try to get 1 fuel chache and either try to defend "that side of the map" or if my enemy is (what I like to call when my enemy attacks 1 area of the map the whole game) HeadButting 1 area, i build the cache on the oppisite side.
Lastly, i'm never afraid to go hunting for my enemy's cache, as taking it out early gives a huge advantage (due to wasting 200MP which is always about HALF-WAY to any unit).