I wouldn't say "no one really cares about 4v4". It's the most played game mode, especially appealing to more casual players and ones that enjoy the cinematic fights. With the recent patch I'd guess it even became playable!  |
NDA withstanding, all I'll say is that I'm psyched for this game, very psyched. So much so that I don't give a fuck what the majority of naysayers such as Inverse harp on about in this thread, and haven't read 90% of it. CoH1 had no depth to its meta game at a similar stage in its life cycle but it slowly revealed itself much in the same way CoH2 is now, and it's stupid to me that a vocal minority are being absolutists incapable of giving it the time it needs to mature.
Relic are a small but dedicated dev team, you should give more time to a company that nearly got liquidated last year. They're doing wonders with patching CoH2, turning it from a sloppy mess into a blossoming competitive RTS. As incredibly varied and entertaining play in the recent Reddit 1v1 tournament has shown. The meta game is constantly changing even within the current patch, and there's a hell of a lot of change coming, as leaked patch notes have shown.
A fun game is slowly becoming a great game, and a worthy sequel. The great thing is the vocal portion of the CoH1 community that haven't given CoH2 enough of a chance are going to be rusty, and their premature opinions on its failure in its first year of release, will become a lot less relevant when they're revealed to be thoroughly mediocre CoH2 players. Then hopefully they'll spend less time whining about its short-comings, and more time playing.
Why even continue? This post sums it up. As much as I think Bloodnok is right, in the end continuing the discussion on the topic is not necessary in my opinion. It just focuses on detail, while abstractly it's what A_E said. |
Relic could support casters/content creators they like in many ways, I think giving them money is amongst the worst.
For Mapmakers of course the possible addition to map rotation.
For replay-casters or such a highlighting on the main page.
For streamers commander-give-aways and additional promotion on twitch
For awesome people like myself all I want.
Et cetera et cetera
Making one contract with one person would be bad. First of all, all other creators will most likely be disappointed, second it will most likely decrease overall motivation (due to lower comperition) and lastly it would put quite some pressure on the caster. Now he does not represent his own opinions, but any faults by him can easily fall back on Relic itself.
In the end I guess we can all agree on one thing - Bananas are yellow and should stay yellow. |
The new Tiger Ace is basically nothing but a Vet3 Tiger with an additional ability. How is that "as OP as the old one"? You pay 800 Manpower to get it and additionally have to pay a rather big upkeep. Also it's far less of a Kamikaze tank than you think - losing the tank will reverse the economic effects, but will also cause you to be rather weak until you get some replacements. During the time your TA is on the field you have a very small manpower income. Let's say 80 popcap in your current army, with a TA you then have (300 - 25% = 225 MP/min - ~80 popcap =) 105MP/minute income and most likely you used all your Manpower you had prior to call the TA in.
Keeping the TA alive will mean your opponent can try to just bleed you for more than 105MP/min, causing you to slowly lose your army, but also gives you a really strong all-round vehicle.
Losing the TA will mean you have to fill this gap it's destruction left - yet with close to no Manpower available this will take time.
Try to use it and you'll see it is a lot weaker  |
actually i dont leaked anything, if i say where the leaked information is, it doesnot means leaking Kappa
You spread the information which is already not good since you knew what it was, but even worse - you confirmed what it is. |
I would like to thank all people like Akosi and Osttruppen for leaking and causing Relic to close down the beta. Thank you very much for giving us even worse patches in the future. If (IF!) they make a new beta it will be on a even smaller scale, meaning imbalances are even harder to discover, but hey it seems you don't care for that anyways.
Well, in conclusion:
F U |
There is nothing wrong with voicing ones opinion, but in this case the who, when and where/how was a problem.
First of all there are quite some people who actually like CoH2, amongst them quite some vCoH players so you can't say that 'all' vCoH players hated it. People had different expectations - some wanted a re-skinned vCoH with better graphics located on the eastern front, others wanted a similar game. CoH2 shares a lot of similarities with vCoH, but some essential ones (popcap, resources, commanders) are different, meaning it actually plays different.
Second Ami just ran SNF5, the biggest CoH2 tournament which was supported by Relic. Additionally Relic is long known to post quite a bit on this page and have a good relation to CoH2.org - which is also run by Ami, putting him in a position pretty close to Relic. Lastly he continuously praised the game during the casts.
Third is that the opinion was voiced on a stream, which was highlighted and in a way that makes it look even worse than the actual content (in my opinion).
Combining this, a person with a high profile in CoH2, who runs a site with a rather okay user count, who said he 'supports' the game and loves the CoH-franchise publicly bashes the game. Do you really wonder why this makes people that actually like CoH2 angry and annoyed? Or why this is causing such a fall out? Hell yea, it's getting blown out of proportion, but as a person who got a lot of publicity Ami should've known what it would cause. To anyone who did not know this all along (I mean, his lack of knowledge about CoH2 was visible during the casts already showing quite disinterest) it just looks wierd - this self-declared supporter actually hates the game.
I guess it would be best to move along and let the topic die. In general, let the whole 'vCoH pros hate CoH2' die. If you say you dislike the game once and give reasons then it's constructive criticism. If you say it twice - well okay, you wanna be thorough. If you say it 30-40 times then it's not constructive criticism anymore, it's trying to ruin the game for others as well and it gets quite effing annoying. If you don't like CoH2 okay, go play something else and leave the people that play and like CoH2 alone. Now if you run a CoH2 fan page and don't like CoH2 it's a bit harder to just move on. Doing nothing will only make the situation worse, closing down the page would be a huge middle finger to anyone who helped build the site and has an interest in it's continuation. So what other possibilities are there? Change the people who run CoH2.org - so maybe Ami should do that and try to negotiate a deal with a group of persons that actually like the game (and page) and want to keep it running. |
DotA 2
Red Orchestra 2 / Rising Storm
Europa Universalis IV
Shogun 2 / Rome 2
Borderlands 2
Natural Selection 2
Yea, that's basically it D:
Esky, I think it's COHAXPERTS! Barton is known maphacker!!!!! ;]
 though (:
Nice clan, great members and AW MA GAWD HOW MUCH DID CIEZ WRITE?!?!? ;D |
Sounds like a nice idea. Since Saturday is usually the day I hang out with friends I gotta check first if anything awesome is happening. If not I guess I'll give this tournament a shot 
Should accustom myself with the map a bit, if I want to participate |