Well, I partially agree with you, but we need to distinguish between design failures or simply bugs.
Rome II had (and still has) a LOT of bugs. But for really terrible design failures I only would say that city micromanagement and lack of seasons are the most important.
I can cope even with the ugly interface.
Politics, agents, etc are been impreved in each patch to be as good as was in Shogun 2.
I'm not picking on you or anything but how can you sum up the political system in Rome 2, in Shogun 2 it worked like this: You gain fame by the size of you realm, armies and the victories in battle. Once you fame has reached a certain threshold Realm Divide happens which grants a massive opinion modifier to the AI which will cause the remaining factions to get hostile to the play increasing the challenge to the player.
Rome 2 on the other hand... is... well you have to use certain generals or else a percentage increases and if it get too high or low this amount of units spawns in one of you major cities:
Even though they wrote a guide that was DEMANDED by the hardcore fans, the Political system in Rome 2 makes little sense...
But CoH2, instead, has much less bugs but it has a pile of absurd design mistakes. A lot of units and abilities seem designed by a guy who hasn't played a single minute to the game, like Tiger Ace, strafes, pre-patched Opel trucks, Hit the dirt, etc...
We have DLC commanders, lack of lobbies, game modes, leaderboards... a lot of things that aren't bugs.
Oh my god no! Have you seen Romes 2 "Mutiplayer" It has none of the above you listed, with laughable balance, going to be P2W DLC soon AND MP in mainline TW is being dumped for the F2P Total War: Area which is not going to happen to CoH2...
Which game did worse? Both did it wrong, but at least Rome II had good intentions that failed when implemented and day by day they are being fixed.
Fixing day by day? The AI still sucks, transports ships are still broken even though its easy to fix them, optimization still sucks harder than CoH2 (somehow), politics still makes no damn sense, the music is still terrible and at least in CoH2 very rarely it feels like I am the Eastern Front but that is still more than Rome 2.
Fixing the terrible bad decisions that CoH2 developers did seems to me impossible right now. And we will never see a good CoH2 game until mods will be allowed again.
And they said the same of Civ V which had the wonderful Brave New World adding in the depth that was miss and they said the same about Red Orchestra 2 until Rising Storm made it more deeper...
I know that that fans tend to hate their game more than other games (for example a hater of remake Devil May Cry may think that the new Thief looks good) but really, you CoH2 guys have it so good and if you want to disagree then watch this:
I have been a Total War fan from the very first Shogun, I am been a fan of CoH form the first vCoH beta and at least I know what went wrong with CoH2, they tried to go mass market making the game a bit more simple but with Rome 2 they done stuff that would make no sense to newbies and only serves to piss of hardcore fans like myself...