I don't think AT should be the guideline either. My point was more that AT can work around shortcomings, implicitly suggesting that randoms probably won't. I did not clearly type out the latter, so yes, easy to misunderstand my post in that regard.
As I said, I am not happy with all indirect changes that USF got either.
We have to be realistic: There will 99,9% be no larger patch with hotfix for CoH2 anymore. Even this whole discussion about an ever so tiny Pathfinder/Scott nerf might already be futile. There is no sense in saying "if this strategy gets nerfed, then USF needs to get buff X as well". I think what we need to discuss in this thread and where also Sturmpanther's previous thread fell a short is whether this strategy is actually OP or just "cheesy".
If it is OP, it needs nerfing to a "competitive" level, even if the rest of USF were not healthy. Having only one single strategy somehow work does not make the whole faction great, and conversely nerfing that one strategy does not make the faction as a whole shit. It's a one trick pony, and you can only do this trick so often until it gets boring anyway. If this strategy is the only one that is viable, there is no real "USF gameplay" anyway. And again, the nerf should be to a "competitive" level. It should be okay and viable, but not unfair to the Axis factions.
If the strategy is just "cheesy" but not OP, well then it is already in a "good" spot balance wise. Shitty for gameplay, but as I said, there will be no larger patches, maybe not even a smaller one. Hence, no gameplay patches as well. If there are proper counters to the Path+Scott strategy that don't force the opponent to overly invest resources, leave it be.
At some point, USF players will probably get bored of it enough and start playing UKF and SOV, at which point the problem "fixes" itself.
Pretty much what happened to me, got tired of doing the same shit over and over in team games so went to 1v1. Then got tired of the same commanders to be competitive at higher levels so switched over to Soviets. Got to used to rifleman so when I play other factions I go for early assaulters like Penals for soviet and Assgren for Ost.
Problem is the game is balanced to heavily around OST/Soviet mainlines, in most game cast these elite players literally pick the exact same commanders over and over and rarely deviate from 3/4 concript or gren builds. So any strat that forces deviation from this build is viewed as cheese or OP. |
Vlog wheeen?
Don't really got time, got little kids so sneak in games wherever I can. |
Lost some games today that were really close I kept making dumb unit choices, is what it is. Something similar happened this game, went T3 quickly to get quad but then decided I didn't want it so made T2 to get mg and At gun
Went with Assault for radio intercept, went with T1 to 2 penals when radio intercept informed of sniper. Went for clown car to kill it. We fought back and forth pretty even fighting. After a bit I noticed he was hiding his sniper so I went all in to kill it, got the kill but his scout car killed my sniper right after. About this time I am doing fairly well in engagments, I decide to go for quad to bully him and keep pressure up. However, I felt like it was going to be a waste for whatever reason, not sure just gut feeling so I made T2. 200MP and 75 fuel that could have been used earlier but oh well.
We skirmish a bit and I get out mg + AT gun, I kill his scout car but lose MG. Also during our skirmishes I blobbed his blob and he lost a gren and dropped LMG. I decide to upgrade this penal with PTRS also since you cant tell unless you pay attention to the shots. Don't need it but I know it will pay off eventually. He takes my mg gets a vice grip on map/VP, I thought I was doing good in engagements but I guess not cuz replay shows Im down 20 deaths compared to him.
We both get out tanks out around the same time, P4 for him and T3485 for me which we poke each other but nothing really happens. I am reinforcing my army and trying to figure out the best way to push him. I have gotten a few wipes so I just need to wait for my chance.
He gets a little nosy and pushes left side of map with P4 unsupported , my 2 AT guns get the kill so armor is in my favor. Little by little I push him and bleed him. I steal an mg back which helps control flanks. He eventually gets panther out which doesn't do much but keeps me from pushing. After a bit of skirmishing I get 3rd T3485 and he gets Stug, I lose 2 tanks due to agressive raming but my AT guns fail in killing panther. I do get stug and another infantry squad so it wasn't all bad. Since I still have 2 AT guns and another tank on the way I feel I am in a good position.
We keep prodding each other and I think he finally got tired of my infantry so he makes panzerwerfer. A tiny bit later he rotates his Panther and runs into my LMG Penal, upgrading it paid off and I get the satchel off. GO TIME! I rush him with my tanks kill both panther and werfer but lose 1 tank. I get another tank out and he gets a Stug. Even though he is ahead in VP game is heavily in my favor. I grind him down, catch his Stug out of position another satchel and GG.
The radio intercept helps a lot with countering especially early with off meta openings. However it has led me to overreact and lose games in the late mid game. Need to trust my gut more but back tech works pretty well since commander is so late game focused. |
Assuming there is another patch at all... You can always strike some middle ground like nerfing Pathfinder's moving sight but after they are stationary for some amount of time they get their full LOS back (like spotting scopes).
Honestly I think this should be done with all "maphack" units as I feel like at some point it was decided to give a lost of doctrinal units large LOS and it just waters down the fog of war mechanic and tilts commander selection because of how absurdly useful the extra LOS is on top of the other officer/whatever abilities those units have. Really hope COH3 doesn't have all-in-one recon units like these. Stuff like T 70 recon mode and Major Recon Pass are much much better design IMO.
I literally said the same thing in another thread. It doesn't make sense that a moving infantry unit has the same sight range when stationary. This should be made standard on all enhanced vision infantry so that you can't BS your way of a swell placed flank. |
I do think population is the value that should balance the game when everybody is maxed out. For me there is no faction thing about it. No faction should be anyhow more population heavy than another. A faction may lean more to being depended on a resource manpower, fuel or munition but this shouldn’t be the case for population. Population has to be balanced across all factions the same way around combat value and versatility, else some factions will be more powerful in lategame than others. That should be avoided.
Population should not only include the Vet0 out of the box performance of a unit but should integrate how good a unit scales into lategame with veterancy and available upgrades.
Regarding the SU-85 same population for FF/SU-85 is fine, they are around the same combat value in lategame. But I can’t see how the big cost differences are justified. SU-85 may have a fixed turret but it also has the highest basic dps of all allied TDs, scales fine, is a great sight tool (especially at vet1) and is the most durable allied TD due to its clearly lower target size. I do thing FF and SU-85 should meet somewhere in the middle.
I don’t play Brit’s so not sure if it is out of favor but don’t tulips do a crap ton of damage and stun? Maybe a way to dissuade spam. |
If they do nerf both units it is probably better to just take a step back and look at other unit performance. For example the 50cal used to be able to pack up extremely quick but it was nerfed hard. Now MG comes later and has nothing better vs MG42 except pen which is sort of useful but Armor piercing rounds are also available. If pack up time can’t be changed what about burst length.
Another more involved change could be one single up tech. So after you go LT or CPT and further tech for LV that tech counts for both. So if you back tech everything is available. It would make airborne less attractive. |
Quick game about 12 mins, just thought he had a funny name as a Penal user. Went with Armored assault, he went with all gren build so I focused on beating him in uncomfortable engagements. He eventually went VSL but it was too late I had wiped a few squads so he couldn't push me effectively. |
You are absolutely right. Frustration is normal but when I see such replays as because of their errors OKW player writes "fuck u" or something similar, I come out. Such replays should not, in my opinion, be shown. And the game itself is good. I've seen all your games for about half a year. The ones from terror tactics are the best. It is a pity that it is not OKW Sturmtiger or ENG Avre.
Thanks bro, I get what your saying, I thought about not posting it but the game showed what I was trying to accomplish with strat. Any tips with Strat? |
Why put a replay here if you are dealing with a primitive offending the other player how to lose the game?
Not sure what you are attempting to say. I posted the game since I have been attempting to try non meta strats and commanders. Opening worked out well, game was pretty good until he lost P4J, which he would have had 2 if he had waited a bit longer. Frustration is part of the game and he let it get the best of him. I ain’t mad at him. |
Wow you said it really well.
I would prefer if Rapid Conscription and Relief Infantry was a small passive bonus instead of an activated ability based on how many units/models you lost. Really hard to use this ability well when you have to expect to lose infantry.
What about making the ability reduce reinforce time and cost by 30%, that way big pushes are rewarded and getting your army back into fighting position a bit easier. |