10 print "hello"
20 goto 10
But that was probably the last programme I wrote that had no bugs.
I'd call a looping program with no exit point bugged.
Seriously though, I agree with a lot that has been said here and I would love to have a blunt Q&A session with Relic to ask them about the DLC model and how much damage the idea of DLC Commanders is doing to the franchise.
As others (Luvnest, Ami, etc.) have said in the past, not only is the Commander system in general a worse and more limiting replacement for the doctrine system in CoH, but forcing people to pay to get exclusive commanders that in many cases are clearly unbalanced compared to the standard ones is just wrong.
Make no mistake, the War Spoils system is working exactly as intended - it is a pretence that we don't have to pay for the good Commanders because there is a very, very faint chance that they will drop on a crate, but like gambling machines the odds are stacked against you; the combination of different rarities, the amount of dilution caused by intel bulletins and the fact that you can be awarded duplicates of things you already have.
While I don't think Relic are incompetent, I suspect when it comes to the biggest issue with the game (the Commanders and their lack of balance), their hands are tied.
They have to generate new income and that means making new Commanders and DLC too appealing to pass up - hence they have to appear very powerful compared to existing ones. Balance will always play second fiddle to sales and that is why Relic can't be trusted to create balanced Commanders as DLC. Look at the British Vanguard Commander for that or the two new ones.
Personally I think the whole Commander system should be rewritten:
- Commanders should be changed so that each has 9 abilities like the old left-hand/right-hand doctrine trees (from CoH), so that even after making the strategic decision of which one to use you still have to make tactical decisions during the game of where you invest the CPs at what point.
- Each faction should have a minimum of 5 standard Commanders available upon release so that everyone has some choice of which they enter a match with.
- War Spoils should *not* allow for duplicates (any duplicates can effectively be re-rolled)
- No "premium" Commanders should have unique units available to them - only variations on abilities or different combinations of them.