1. Post after post blanket asserting that the new commanders are P2W, yet I see no replays or balance threads addressing any of them.
There is no way that, in the ~18hrs the new patch has been out, the meta game has changed enough to determine how OP the new commanders are. In other words: less QQ, more pewpew, please.
2. Even if they are OP, it does not follow that Relic deliberately made them so to be able to charge more. It could be speculated that they erred on the side of OP when they created them, but that is a common balancing strategy and not necessarily nefarious.
3. They will be changed towards better balance in time just like the preexisting commanders and every other unit and ability in the game.
there is no balance in something that have not been played. how many people got the commanders? how many times have they been fielded? wait and be patient. the treads will come.
in my guess only noobs got the commanders. they are still noobs lost and went back to their old comanders. some will stick to them while they are new. then the treads will come.
Could just as well make money with a better reputation attracting more buyers to the game as a whole, while providing benign DLC options for cash, such as skins or re-shuffles.
Especially considering how serious a P2W stamp is. For many people, that is an auto-boycott.
Option 1:
-Maintain good relationship with MP community, and healthy MP pool, with good balance and non-invasive DLC providing some income. Brings more players to the game, keeps existing players in the game. Make a little money, everyone's happy and reputation ensures good media and advertising for the company.
Option 2:
-Release P2W DLC. Destroy existing work on balance. Piss off MP base. Piss off pre-order/CE base. Reduces MP pool, leading to even more pissed off MP base. Causes players to leave the game and keeps possible buyers away. Make a little money, everyone hates you and reputation ruined.
in regards of gain to whom.
gains to SEGA, loss to RELIC.
im pretty sure sega wants to get the money back the lost on the prepurchases of coh2 before THQ sold it. i know there where some news about it but i did not do my reserach i dont know if THQ payed that money or if they didnt.
Those welfare checks won't get you as far as you'd like em to huh? I feel you bro. Let that anger out.. It's ok I don't care what you say really, the amount of posts you've made in here makes it pretty clear what a complete real life loser we're dealing with here. Full of anger, anti-social behaviour right away etc.
Go see someone dude.
If P2W is what Relic needs to do to keep their ship floating then I don't care. As I said, a good player will still beat a bad player. I wouldn't call the new doctrines UBER IMBA from what I've seen so far, no.
Please do specify what you consider is a game breaking feature that came with the new commanders.
if you want to look at a case of dlc well done look at magika. this is not about balance this is not about pay to win, this is about THE CRAPPY BUSINESS MODEL THEY ARE IMPLEMENTING.
The new commanders you get for free are average. The really good ones cost you money.
I payed 50 € for this game and I´m put at a disadvantage, because someone else payed more. If the basic game was for free I could understand that attitude, but right now I feel a bit fooled.
i payed $100 and i am at the same disadvantage i feel worse. so much for COLECTOR.
on a side note. you pretty much knows you will get boobie traps if you see rusians with a foward house. i doo kind of like that you have to build minesweeper pioneers.
on a side side note.
this pay to win stuff kind of reminds me of games workshop. new codexes are allways more powerfull than the rest. this just makes people buy new minis. i bet they learnt that when they had talks with GW about dawn of war. its allways the bad stuff that rubss in.
Thanks to these changes, even if Preorders/DLC got it for free
on a seious note, does anyone else has this problem im fucked here.
I don't mind DLC or paying for new content at all - it is 2013, everybody has ridiculously priced DLC nowadays. That's just how it is. But to charge us for new content while the original $60-100 we paid (I don't know about the rest of you, but I paid the full $100) hasn't even gotten its money's worth is just fucking ridiculous. Anyone who thinks otherwise is honestly just kidding themselves (I mean, for fuck's sake, infantry flanking wasn't even in the game until the most recent patch - what the hell is up with that?).
i know that feel,
i am not putting more than 100 into this game. it saddens me that this is the last dlc that is free. (free maps are not dlc) the game does not even have a year. and its just money money money, i sincerely hope they make an expansion so i can wait for it to go on offert. and get back what i think its rightfully mine!