One of the best games i've had since i started playing again after 3 years of absence |
"Just pop smoke"?
Sure, as soon German Armour gets smoke without a doctrine^^
mortars have smoke for years but only a few know that they can click the smoke barrage to cover retreats  |
Notice how i'm abusing the cover and the long firing range and absurd accuracy of the t70 and nail a pg with shreks,avoid the pak and deny any harrasment from my opponent. |
2 vs 2 on moscow outskirst winter
brummbars and isu-152 derping shit,some su-85s,an elephant a piv and a stug added in the mix and a lot of infantry and atgs.Enjoy! |
The tiger ace is laughably unbalanced and some of the comments here are very amusing. I like the one where Dane says that a normal tiger would have done the same job delivering the killing blow. It appears that Dane has forgotten that a normal tiger is 720mp/200fuel, and would have thus faced 4 T34/76 instead of 2. All other comments basically boil down to: 'kill the german before he gets the tiger ace'.
you have to take into accout that the tiger ace call in cuts off all resources income,and if you somehow mange to cripple it,for example by ramming it with multiple t-34s at nading it with cons and placing mines like zero should have done for the entire game,you just have to cripple the damn thing until u get a proper counter and thus win the game by slowly withering your opponents remaining resources away. |
Woa, down to single digit vps, wasn't sure you were gonna make it there for awhile but he kept throwing away tanks without hardly any support. Though I literally cried at 42 minutes when you overextended the StuG Ace...
yeah that silly mine killed it |
Steam Alias: Stein87
Steam ID: 76561198026510128
i just hope you enjoy it |
For 360MP (same as PaK), an additional 120 Munis (same as 2x LMG or 2x Teller or FHT), the Shreks are laughably underperforming vs T70s, due to that units superior range, ability to false out the Shreks fire cycle with mobility and early timing. Especially since the PGrens lose 1/2 their AI efficacy in the process.
Shreks are by design there specifically to counter early T70s. So they do so now, absolutely not.
Sov has a light armor priviledge, Ost has the expensive Shrek to deal with it, is it currently? Hell no.
A T70 can categorically outrange and exp,oit the Shreks aim time with its own mobility and excellent AI
Its too many factors adding up in favor of the T70 when its exactly the Shrek at its high cost and sacrifice that should be the primary early response to T70s before PIvs can hit the field.
For cost, they operate fine vs T34s and later Sov armor. But vs the T70 they are being made a fool of by a cheap early armor unit that can absolutely exploit their range advantage and mobility. In the open field it is ofc the armors priviledge, that belongs to PaKs and armor to counter. But even in close quarters, a T70 is efdectively unShreckable due to moving in and out of LoS or range, while the PGrens lay there doing absolutely nothing. It cant be fired on thr move. A T70 can move ceaselessly in and out of range or LoS while sniping PGrens without even a single Shrek firing.
If you dont see that, you must be categoricalky failing your T70 micro and need to learn the potential of yoyoing. The reload is constant even when moving whereas the Shrek fire is reset everytime it loses its target. With reverse and forward you can move ina nd out of either max range, or LoS to ceaselessly take pot shots at the PGrens without even a single shot going off in return. For 360/120, and loss of 1/2 AI, this is completely unacceptable.
T70s should NEVER be able to come anywhere near Shreks. For the cost, they should be categorically owned for going anywhere near Shreks. In exactly the same way HT and 222 cant go anywhere near Guard.
"they operate fine vs later Sov armor"....pgrens...they get one shot by isu-152,is-2,kv-2,burned to death by kv-8s in they don't do fine except vs t3 and maybe t4 if the other guy sucks or gets greedy and puts his su-85s in harms way to chase a damaged tank |
Awesome game with a lot of action in all stages of the game.
Elephant chewing through enemy su-85s and isu-152 mid and on the right side.(out of despair they threw all their remaining armor and called the airforce to kill the wounded beast)
50+kill panzerwerfer |