It also showed how much of a shitshow 4v4 tournaments are, even ignoring just the balance concerns.
Getting 8 nerds on at the same time was impossible, especially when your opponents were in a different country.
Like, half our games ended up being us NA guys getting up stupid early to play games (I mean, 8am isn't early, but playing CoH at 8am when I'd rather do other shit? Please.) while the opponents played in the evening, or vice versa.
Unless you just stick to NA/EU/AS brackets (which then limits the team pool to a stupidly small amount for some regions, since EU is where like half the teams are, and another 40% are mixed timezones) it just becomes a clusterfuck.
And then the casting. Oh the casting. You need a minimum of two people co casting and even then gigantic plays can and do get missed. Impossible solo. Adding a third caster doesn't even help. The only viable way I could see this happening would be some insane production studio that has like 4 different observer feeds and some dude in a booth flipping between the feeds, I mean shit I could go on and on.
Ideally, would love it, realistically its a pain in the ass to do a 4v4 tournament.