Remember when M3 cost 90mp and 10 fuel and died to 1 panzerfaust 100% of the time?.
call in shocktroopers came with mosin nagants and you had to upgrade PPSH for them.
Panthers had 400 armor, 1280hp and 60 range
Grenadier Riflegrenades did 40 dmg, and you didint even need to bother dodging them
IS-2 lost to an stug in 1vs1 and still costed 300 fuel with its 9-12 sec reload time
remember when you could not build firepits during blizzard and everyone froze to death
Remember when Penal satchel had 10 AOE then relic nerfed it to 6 AOE
Remember when Guard PTRS Stunned enemy infantry units
Remember when All soviet infantry had INSPIRE at vet 1 that made them fight better, when they took casualties (bottom right corner) , and the old HUD
Remember the old AUTOMATCH window with bulletins?