Sometimes i do it,and I know that many people use new commander ,i dont,and as a 47 years old man ,i cant learn much more,I even dont like the new maps,but till now,a month ago,i use to have some fun with the game,but not now.In the last game semosky map,both controlling one fuel point,my opponent gets 2 T34 before I get one P4,and as I spent some munitions to destroy his clown cars,not even a bazooka to my PZGr. Its frustrating.
If you are not having fun in 1v1 I suggest trying 2v2 +
It`s a spamm fest but atleast you can rely on teammates to cover your mistakes.
I see 1v1 as a much more focus oriented than fun oriented. Meaning in 1v1 you rely on yourself and the bad micro of your opponent, if his micro is better than yours then its gg in most cases.