Obers MG upgrade comes too late.
There is no reason going for Obers early because it is just a waste of MP since you will bleed a lot.
MG34 should be available at the same time when Obers arrive.
Not locked behind "Vehicle Authorisation". Makes no sense, MG34 is not a tank lol.
It needs to be adjusted properly that it arrives in the appropriate time. Make the MG34 upgrade come earlier or not locked behind tech since it is simply ridiculous.
IRSTG44 should be stock and not doctrinal. It is a waste of doctrine ability.
I think IRstg as a commander ability at least should early than MG34,or give more ability like increase sight reduce RA or something buff,or bundle with some other commander ability like Goliath or Infiltration Tactical even bundle with camouflage like Ost