You've got your authenticity in the single player portion. Multiplayer is a different beast. Relic wanted mirror match in the original, I remember talking with Relic devs and Buggo at the time about it, but they took it out due to pressure. I always viewed that as a mistake, and I can tell you that I knew (and still know) plenty of people that found CoH 1 multiplayer unappealing because there was so little variance in matchups.
Really ? Because i read elsewhere that they intended not to have mirror matches in from the beginning but that there was some complaining on the matter. And i certainly view that as a great move.
As for your singleplayer/multiplayer dichotomy. No, authenticity should run through both. If one becoems disjointed from the main spirit, then it becomes rotten, pointless. Like a tacked on Multiplayer mode for an other Singleplayer focused game, like Bioshock or Spec ops the line.
For multiplayer to truly work, it should work in tandem with the singleplayer. And again, part of this core is Authenticity, it is a hallmark and something that makes CoH stand out. Fair if you disagree. But mirror matches are the intruder here. So do understand if i am not kindly inclined to the idea of their inclusion.
Why do you feel you have the authority to speak for the "vast player base" on this? First, the multiplayer community is miniscule compared to the consumers who buy games like CoH for single player alone. Second, those who usually do take the time to complain are typically the dissatisfied minority, whereas happy users tend to stay quiet.
Ermm.. Your argument ? I do not claim to be an authority, but i do look around and notice things. Like again, an utter lack of appearance in mods of mirror matches...
As far as i can see you're agreeing with me ? IE, for the larger part. There have been no great complains about the lack of mirror matches for the last 6 years. There has been one mod, largely forgotten. Many mods have come, included a lot of things, but never mirror matches.. So you ARE saying that mirror matches is only wanted by a minor minority ?
As for the poll you're referring to. That was discounted since it is pretty easy to manipulate. Hell i got the option just now to vote for it a second time. Not hard to imagine a zealous yes voter...
Relic has now come back to mirrors for the second time, indicating that this is something that they want. Mirrors have always been a part of RTS, and not allowing for them only restricts players. I experienced mirrors in CoH 1, and I was satisfied with them. Again, I think it was a mistake for Relic to react to criticism at that time. This time I'm hoping Relic sticks to their guns, because in the end mirrors will make for a better multiplayer real-time strategy game (again, game). I honestly wouldn't care if Relic introduced the Japanese into the Germany / Russian conflict in a future content release, what I care about is multiplayer diversity.
I am not sure where the "always been a part of RTS" argument is going. Yes, it has been a part of many RTS games. And a lot of them have also failed. And a lot of them are not played anymore really. Whereas CoH, after 6 years, no mirror matches, can still muster 10k online. Do tell me, how many RTS games besides Starcraft can muster that ?
And just because you were satisfied does not mean it is all of a sudden okay for everyone else.. Since you have stated that for your alarms to go off. They'd have to add in Giant Robots. Pardons for that one. But it does show you are perhaps not the most discerning judge on the field.
And i hope Relic sticks to their INITIAL guns which was. No mirror matches. They did decide that initially and i hope they go for that.
Nor do i think it will make for a better Multiplayer RTS, quite the contrary for reasons mentioned previously. It will add nothing, only detract and remove something that truly makes CoH shine in a sea generic replicas.