As our community is undoubtedly aware, we pushed an update to Company of Heroes 2 today. If you’ve not yet read them, the patch notes for this update can be found right here.
On the heels of this update, we wanted to take a quick moment to discuss the topic of Balance. Likely the most heavily debated topic within our community, balance-related discussions have been known to spark intense conversation. As a critically important element of any online multi-player game, it makes sense that our players would be so passionate about it. So just what do we at Relic think of balance, how do we determine when to make changes, and what can you expect from us in the future?
All For One and One For All
Our aim with balance changes has always been to help improve the overall health of the game. This means that we need to ensure that our changes improve the gameplay experience for all of our players. We are more intently focused on making changes and adjustments that will have a positive impact on our entire game-playing population, not just a dedicated but small minority of our player base. This can sometimes mean that while it may seem obvious to some that a certain change is necessary, it may not be our top priority nor even a good idea in terms of changes to make. Our focus has always been on what we refer to as ‘Big Meaningful Changes’.
It’s (Sometimes) a Numbers Game
We’ve said this before, but it’s certainly worth repeating. When reviewing feedback from our community, we have to ensure that we are also pairing that feedback with statistical data and analytical findings. That may sound like a super flowery way of saying we’re looking for reasons to not listen to you, but this is not the case. Here’s two examples of how this process works:
Flow #1 – Community Identified Balance Issues
We identify a key trend that the community is discussing
We go to the Business Insights team we have here at Relic, and have them run reports on the relevant in-game metrics
We review the findings of this analysis to determine if the numbers back up comments we are seeing within the community
Our team then works to resolve any issues that have been identified. This is really where the ‘hard’ work starts, with our design team spending time focusing on in-game play and researching possible solutions.
Testing, testing, testing.
When working to resolve issues, our Design Team likes to use a ‘Search and Destroy’ process:
Search – look for the core issue to the problem discover and generate multiple solutions
Destroy – Narrow down to 1 solution that is yields the best result and test with the Alpha group
Iterate – Fine tune the values and get it ready for a patch
Knowing the ‘What’ But Not Necessarily the ‘Why’
We’ve found that our community is exceptionally good at finding problems that need to be resolved. And why not? You’re the most passionate and active group of people when it comes to our products. So what happens if the data that we pull does not match up with the feedback that we’re seeing from our community members? In these situations, we’ve found that our community has still successfully identified a problem, but not necessarily the correct solution or even the true root cause of the issue being discussed. If data pulled does not back up what we’re seeing in our forums, we don’t abandon this feedback. Our team instead investigates possible parallel problems and solutions. Perhaps the actual issue being discussed is the result of a different problem, not the problem itself. It’s been through this process that a lot of our balance changes and updates have come about. In a way, this is us ensuring that we are always treating the illness and not the symptoms.
Flow #2 – Relic Identified Balance Issues
A member of our design team identifies something they feel needs attention
Similar to Flow #1, we still go to the Business Insights Team to research our hypothesis.
We review the findings of this analysis to determine if the numbers prove out our theories.
If yes, we work to resolve these issues in the same way we resolve community-raised concerns. (See the ‘Search and Destroy’ steps above)
Testing, testing, testing. Always an important step!
Infinite Cosmic Power – Itty Bitty Living Space?
We’ve seen a lot of concern from our community specifically focused around the OKW faction, and sentiment that it is far too over-powered. Our team has been doing extensive research and play testing surrounding this, and we will soon be sharing some in-depth data with our community regarding our findings. What we found may just surprise you! This is an entire blog post unto itself, so stay tuned for that in the coming weeks.