I was thinking about that too,... and bamm somebody made a topic about it even with a picture. Good post thought. And twitch get yourself together and put a nice cover art god dammit!
Yeah. I wish i be there almost reading your post. Please keep us inform on what changes in the game ( that are surely needed) are gona be. I feel like that is a thin line right now between a awesome game and a choppy frustrating game that is pretty right now.
Thanks for making your pictures available on that imgur account by the way - I used your CoH 2 UI picture to make a mockup of what I think would be my ideal interface. Some stuff is probably controversial (like moving the VPs and the global unit control) but I think the rest is an improvement.
Main UI (notice how the main bar is compacted, the resources are vertical, the VPs and global unit control are moved, and the minimap controls are compacted):
UI showing a unit/unit upgrade being hovered over (a T-34 in this case) (notice how it replaces the stuff in the main bar while you hover, because you'll be looking at it anyways so you can't be looking at the main bar too, and also notice how it lines up the resources so you can still compare costs):
UI with notifications + blizzard timer (notice how they don't take up side on the left of the screen, so all the UI elements stay at the bottom where they cover up the least amount of screen real estate and where your mouse will already be if you're clicking on the buttons on the right):
UI with hovering over doctrines (notice how I was too lazy to do a shitty Photoshop to show how this would look, but again the idea is that if you are hovering over something in order to read it, you won't be reading anything else so it makes sense to cover up the main bar):
Very very strange sense of esthetics. Weird almost. Customizable UI maybe would be an answer for you. If u put some much efort to do those pictures it means that this UI realy bother u. I can understand your frustration but orizontal alining is a more ergonomical choice.
The game SHOULD have a strong and well implemented ranking system. No doubt about it. Imagine Olimpics with no leader and all receving a prize for participation. This is stupid. Competition is in human nature since allways, and ranking people to their skills is a strong incentive to play and to make more enjoyable/desirable a game to play. It all depends on Relic how this features will be implemented so things like hacks for stats ( maphack, drophack, bug abuse, trivial language all due to high desire to obtain no matter what a false upper rank position) will be a thing of the past. Ipse dixit!