(Posting this here because other people already did so with the other stuff anyway.)
Firstly out of respect for the coming tournament this weekend I recommend we all cool off until Monday. It is everyone's interest to take a break from this and give some room to breathe.
Thank you to everyone that has kept this civil and just wants the best for the integrity of competitive CoH, I appreciate none of this including the process has been ideal, but we're all doing the best we can. Many community members have put a lot into analysing the situation and attempting to be unbiased.
I had a lengthy talk with Seeking today to talk through new evidence, and give him the heads up also. We discussed the new information, the process, and what would be the fairest way forward. He has agreed to make this conversation public. We will iron out this situation for good next week.
The link between him and his uncle Deadbolt, who he previously admitted to playing on the account of in the past and was temp ML banned for boosting in automatch. This is now serious and relevant. Deadbolt has **three VAC bans** across his dozen or so Steam accounts, the link between these is in the video announcement. It has been shown that Deadbolt played as 'Satup' recently with 100% obvious map hacks.
It has also been shown by multiple people analysing the situation the replays in which Seeking is playing on the Deadbolt account, not just game skill but raw actions per minute. Seeking plays at a super high 100-130, Deadbolt at 30-60. This now shows Seeking is the player in clips people were saying it was Deadbolt instead as a defence.
Kimbo is no longer suspended and can play in ML events as before.
There are now some videos showing the strength of the follow camera tool in replays.
Video announcement:
Discord announcement:
Convo with seeking:
Seeking on Twitch:
Deadbolt map hack video:
FoW proof replay:
FoW proof game:
Updated evidence document: