Errr... hicksi, I have "Open links in new tab" set to "Yes" in my Board Options in My Profile. Shouldn't the link open in a new tab? I'd prefer if it did.
we can build that in, but 1) the broadcast list is cached, we need to exclude the link for the caching and 2) i don't like the option with "open links in new tab" at all. its nothing that should be managed on server side imho. but we can speak about it in the coding forum
This thread is the right place to help new members and give them an easy introduction to helpful features on this site. Futhermore we can get a little track of features that are bad promoted.
What was your best discovery on COH2.ORG?
I will do the start:
Hover with your mouse over the COH2.ORG Logo / Banner in the upper left corner to get access to advanced forum index views (like sorted by last posts).
CTRL + click
middle mouse button / mousewheel
right click -> open link in new tab
change your browser settings: open links in new tab
there are several ways.
we had that implemented in an early version of the page, but changed it.
the reason is: the user should have the choice to open a link in a new tab or not.