A dictatorship can consist of only one person, but can also be several members in a small group. I disagree as each of the 5 admins can edit, delete, change, or add anything to the site you'd like to without any consequences. If you truly wish to represent the community I would recommend setting up a poll system and following it.
Okay you are right, dictatorship can consist several members, but I don't see your main argumentation anymore and its getting a bit ridiculous.
Sure I can say every company is a dictatorship. This is not a state, this is a provider. What the community rules is the quality of content and we can just help with our decisions to keep the quality up. If we fail, the quality fails. So we are controlled on the other hand by the community.
So I'm leaving this dicussion now. Speaking about dictatorship and coh2org in one context is a bit time wasting.