An excellent summary (?) there Tommy and well argued. I never thought much about the commander choices before, but you are right. In CoH the commander choice often shaped my strategy and focus, but now I just choose the one that has the biggest gun. I would be quite happy if Relic implemented the changes you mention.
I actually had a mind to set up my own three issues for fixing, (so please pardon the add on)
I downloaded the open beta (first time playing coh2) and within the end of the first game had noticed several issues.
1. Flashing UI commanders, The UI seems to be less flashy than it used to be, but it is still a problem.
2. Lack of tracers, It really annoying that I can see a vehicle/unit be hit, but not see what is doing the hitting. The units blend in well better with the background, making this even more of a must.
3. The manpower upkeep system, GAH!!! This is outright infuriating and completely pointless. It's like they realised the game build was skewed towards fast matches, so threw these penalties in to lengthen the match time.