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Last Visit Time: 1 May 2020, 22:08 PM
Xfire: stets666
Nationality: Russian Federation
Game Name: RUKAclGuderian
Sorry to barge in but I think the issue is being overcomplicated. You lightly increase snipers reload time (maybe only the wm one, fires too fucking fast and is t1) and implement negative zeal for many of them. Thats it.
lol I ll try. weell i cant primise about streaming coz i m on shit net. but either way pls telel me who i need to play. oh and pls give an option to veto on each round, coz I havent installed custom maps yet lol sry ^^
Okay guys new rule the Vp looser gets to choose the map, in case of a tie.
Why invent a bicycle all over again? This rule gives the vp looser the advantage, why not just leave the 3rd game on same map like we've always done. Either way:
Your Steam Username - RUKAclGuderian
Your CoH Level - 18