just make maxim mg34 clone. boring if that is what you want.
i dont know, i seen maxim plays really effective. eh just dont use it like axis mg...
Then they should not have tried to make it like an axis mg without ap rounds.
The old maxim was mobile fast. But lacking in supression if any. But was suposed to be about dps. Its arc however so small inf could walk out of it with no model dropping.
It just added dps to cons wich was very very poor. And the maxim needed baby sitting.
Then they added supression. This combined with its mobility made it broken op. Its golden days. Replacing inf completly. And keeping new volks in check.
Now its mobility is severely nerfed and people have trauma,s that it could surpress.
If it could supress it wont be spammed imo, its mobility was gutted.