After reading this thread seeing people trying to twist other peoples opinions and people voicing their opinions; think its time to voice mine.
I have sub to hans for almost 2 years now, have watched him for almost 4 years. Watching the vod back of the 2v2 matches tenshi and hans played to see what happened showed me somethings that lead to hans ultimate downfall. The sniping of Lmctx and price deff lead to this, But this shows how much time they invested into the new patch to see what build order and strat is the most effective in the new meta which still isn't set in stone yet. They way tenshi and hans countered this strat wasn't successful, the stuka su fus hans built had gotten no vet up until 30 minute mark that was a waste and yes it is hard to bomb snipers with it. tenshi's knowledge on coh2 cheese isn't there as he mainly mains axis factions which can hinder counterplay vs allies, picked the wrong commander and units. Hans picked breakthrough its an okay commander but vs allied cheese fussis won't cut it and JT can be countered by allied tank spam.
My opinion here is hans overreacted and made darma out of something that normally happens to most streamers, i remember one stream where Barton and price sniped hans, hans steam m8 drops the match and hans solo wins the match vs USF calliope and soviet cheese "OLD PATCH". Tenshi reacted in the proper way, with his professional background in cast and production for streams in the Starcraft community, tenshi mannered himself well but played poorly.
In the end if hans has officially stopped playing coh2 for the foreseeable future or any relic game, his stream channel could die which isn't the best thing, but that's the hast reality of this.
That's my response to this darma fest.
Now for people who want to twist this post around and try to use it against me like what Phoenix101 did to Lenny12346, clearly didn't know who Lenny is in this community. You'll just make yourself look silly trying to defame or twist the truth. If someone does it to me, Ill call you out.
And who is Lenny in this community? A streamer with avg 30 viewers who disappeared for a year after streaming tons of games as soviets where he exploits broken mechanics (sandbag spam, etc)
As far as I can see, he's practically nobody and heavily biased in favour of Soviets. Therefore his opinion that Hans is wrong about certain Sov units being OP because he is "emotional" is empty and useless.
As for your points on Hans, sure you made some good ones.
None of them refute the point that Hans' reaction is a strong denoter of a balance issue.
You can say "he only gone two days" but anyone who has been self-employed will know that 2 days off work can hurt and is a risk to lose clients/viewers.
There is a balance problem and it favours allies.