Okay Time for the Review. The way I review is by watching a bit of replay, and then immediately write my comments in here. This means that I don't know how the game will develop as I'm typing, so some predictions and conclusions might later turn out to be a bit off. But that's how I roll
00:00 For me the game starts at the loading screen and I start to plan my strategy from there. From what I can see from your opponent it seems he loves his Panther, so I would predict that he might skip t3 and try to head straight for t4 if he get's the chance. I would also guess that he would either go pretty heavy into grens with g43 or team weapons (though from your description it sounds like it's the latter). You have made a good choice of commanders and doctrines, so no arguments there
3:00 man that UC died so fast that I didn't even see it. Though my guess would be a faust and concentrated small arms. The UC get's more health after the weapon upgrade so play a bit more conservatively with it in the beginning and don't let it wander of on it's own like you did. Also getting a second one at this point is simply a waste of ressources I'm sorry to say.
05:00-11:00 decent capping, but I think you might be spreading your units out a bit more than your current micro can handle. Spreading out of course makes it possible to cap more, but also means that you can't really win any significant engagement. Otherwise not too bad so far.
14:00 That centaur dive was great, but as soon as you got snared you should really just retreat back rather than stay in the fight because you know that the opponent has a pak at this point. The fact that it actually managed to cheat death was nothing but pure luck
15:00 At this point you have had an AT gun out for ages without having anything to shoot. Of course you couldn't know if your opponent would pull out a 222, but you already picked tank hunters and had a Boys secion out, so It's complete overkill to have gotten the AT gun so soon instead of something more useful. A vickers gun does wonders on this mg friendly map as your opponent also makes the most of with his double mg42.
16:00 just moments after finishing the former comment he manages to steal the at gunI think this might have been you overheating some of your micro, as well as the vehicle pathing.
21:00 Great Centaur dive to avenge the 6pounder! I must also commend you on your choice of tank, which is excellent when you have had the fuel lead and your opponent is clearly gunning for t4. this gives it a large window as apex predator
30+ At this point he's so heavily entrenched that you are just going to have a hard time overall. Getting a mortar emplacement a bit earlier and generously barraging the opponents positions might have helped and also prevented him from building the PAK43.
35:00 Man that concentrated fire would have been so much better used on his stationary positions like the pak43 and bunker which kan neither brace nor move out of harms way. These were the ones who basically controlled the battlefield by this point, so wiping the Pak might have given you a chance for comeback.
36:00 Unlike what your dickhead opponent is saying I actually like your final base push, and it might have worked if not for the pak 43.
Overall a long and hard match for sure.
Now for the feedback.
-Good choice of commanders and special weapons are never a bad option.
- I liked your agressive base pushes. They might have won you the game if not for the pak43.
- loosing your UC in the first 3 minutes was quite a disaster, but rebuilding it was just a mistake. You clearly had a plan for a WASP UC which also worked well for you, but might as well not have. When a strategy goes wrong you should be ready to discard it and try something else.
- You overcommitted way to much to AT in the early game. even if the oppoent would have gone for t3 there was no way he would have out a medium tank by the time you pushed out your AT gun. you already had the fuel lead so your ressources would have been much better spent on a vickers or sniper (if you learn to micro the sniper well, then this is the perfect map for him!).
- When That PAK43 hits the field on an open map like this your #1 priority is to erase it! You basically just let is roam free and go all the way to vet 3 by just pounding your armor. Mortar emplacement, concentrated fire barrage, AT gun. Whatever you need just get that thing killed or better yet never give him the chance to build it in the first place.
I think that's it for now. You could just as well have won this match with a few changes, and next time you meet that guy do me a favor: kick his ass and call him a noob
Please let me know if this was helpfull and if you have any questions or comments and keep up the good fight
wow really appreciate this very constructive and specific review!
I usually play aggressively with UC, but i made a mistake this game and lost it early, and I don't really know how to play against mgs without it so I replaced thinking i'm better of being behind with something I know how.
You're quite right about the AT gun, I think that's probably something i need to reflect one because I usually get two due to my phobia of enemy tanks. I'll definitely postpone it against ostheer a bit more especially with special weapons, their medium vehicles just arent as much of a threat and I really build AT out of habit and build order caused by luch's last patch.
I really should have thought of that arty on the pak, i usually get double mortars for this sort of thing but since brit has no mobile mortars I was too afraid to get a mortar emplacement against his mortar spam.
I never used that concentrated fire before and didn't realise it was more of an railway arty sort of ability that's perfect for this.
I was waiting a long time for CP's for my crocodile, i thought the flame would unman the pak43 very quickly but I was wrong.I definitely could have played the final push much better too, but the VP ticking had me really distracted and the flamethrower not killing the pak43 threw me off big time
Thanks again for the detailed review its very very helpful, especially the AT pointer, its something I always do as brit and take for granted. For some reason british AT feels so much more accurate and homing missile ish, I've won a lot of games with rng double at tank kills that reinforce this unnecessary habit