Congratulations to the winners!
I had three maps in this contest: Elsenborn, Butgenbach Lake, and Reichswerke.
Elsenborn was probably the better map of my three. Rural maps are a little easier to make since they wont have numerous and large buildings etc. I don't like to pre-damage my maps. I like them to slowly take damage naturally during the game. So maps like Butgenbach and Reichswerke had little chance of being included due to too many full health buildings
I also talked to some about removing my maps since it seemed like I was the only person who cared about this contest and I did not want to appear biased. But once Elsenborn was not picked I felt free that my maps had no chance, so I could continue my crusade of trying to give all these great maps some exposure for all the hard work the mappers put into them :lifts beer mug:.
Maps I thought would win were Poltawa, Normandy, and Bialystok Market. Poltawa had features of a good map and thought it pulled slightly ahead in the tough Rural category. Normandy looked beautiful and also had good play capability, so I figured it would garner a lot of community support. Bialystok Market was the one true urban map that had good play and was the clear winner for me. I thought Stalingrad Station may win due to community vote, because to me it was the best looking map overall. I felt Stadtshutt also did a great job of blending textures etc to create a great look.
None of my picks were based on gameplay (most important part) because we never got to see all of the maps get played. A few of the maps were played in the tournament, however, most games were one sided roflstomps (looking at you Noggano and Scotch)
This contest had some growing pains that hopefully will be fixed up for the next contest. Thanks to Relic for taking on this adventure knowing full well the hate you will receive in doing so. And many thanks to the people behind the scenes who contributed to the successful completion of the contest.