Lots of anecdotal experience being applied to everyone else.
88 games.
My personal experience is pretty in line with Sander's. I have noticed a fair amount of unranked 4v4 teams consisting of the same high level players and a smurf - it seems their sole purpose is to bash lower ranked players. Arranged teams should still have their games made via individual account elo.
88 games in matchmaking. Of course I don't play a lot of it. Custom games are my thing since automatch is dead for me.
EDIT: I average at 2 ranked games per week, rest is custom games with identical ranked setups since I can control the variable location much more there. Eg. As a host I ask if there is anyone from east Asia or Australia or US (you get the jest). First I played automatches before US Expansion on a different account and was quite good at it, games were balanced and there were no huge skill differences (shame you can't see overview of each games, you'd get what I mean. My teammate and I score 45k dmg while our 3rd players scores 11k with 50- kills and 150+ deaths). Lately the game quality went to the sewers to have a swim. Either the latency is 3 sec min or the skill difference is colossal.
I do not think that it will ever be fixed and I honestly do not care. COH2 has been dead for quite time now for me so all this talk about imbalance here and imbalance there and OP this, OP that is non of my business. If you don't believe what I say, fine, it's your right and I won't argue with anyone here. For me, the summa-summarum of this thread is that I agree with the OP.