Foxhole, an RPG? I need to post this on the official discord server so the people there can have a laugh. It's a massive multiplayer game, not an RPG. You're a cog in the war that can die from the simplest shit just like that and there is no character development.
Anyhow about your examples, the first 2 are basically dead and the other 2 are too much mainstream games to count for anything, PUBG is falling in Fortnite's shadow and Ark isn't as hot after the whole debacle about it's DLC. Of course they're not stupid enough to waste time on the games when they've already made their money off of them.
On the other hand you can't show me another game that does at least 40v40 combat on a large 4x4km map all while having a shit ton of vehicles all beautifully rendered and having awesome sounds. I was in a Tiger multiple times and I can honestly tell you that it's been the most amazing game moment for a while now for me. I sadly can't record it but there are a lot of videos on YouTube of it. And yes, pretty much all of the early access Unreal engine games are unoptimized, it's to be expected, but even after release Unity engime games, like Verdun, still had a shit performance at least until recently. So again you're just bashing unreal for no reason at all so I don't see a point in arguing with you any longer.
I watched Post Scriptum gameplay and I am honestly not sure how someone could play this in 2018. As I said before. Your cute story about sitting in a Tiger wont change that, I am sorry. It´s just not a good game objectively. Sure if you are a WW2 fan it might still be worth playing for a while but you could say that about a lot of games.
And why are Battalion and Days of War dead? It´s because they are bad, which again proves my point. And what does "being mainstream" have to do with anything? I listed a ton of games that all have the same issues while sharing the same engine. It doesn´t matter whether they are popular games or not.
And who seriously gives a shit about Foxhole? The game is so niche that not knowing what genre it belongs to is to be expected.