I play AoE3. I'm terrified by the idea of a new impementation on the homecity system.
In the homecity system you build a deck of call ins, be it resources, modifications to building properties, unlocking exclusive techs, unique upgrades to units and of course, unit call ins.
In AoE3 your decks had limits depending on the Homecity lvl (because each individual homecity, one for each civ, gains in game experience). There were card locked behind lvl25 and lvl 45, the last one being the most gamechanging ones, like one that allows the russians to build cannons from their barracks or turned every light infantry unit (a really cheap and spamable one with call ins that numbered 11 or 17 of them) into musketeers, heavy infantry.
This is currently bypassed by a XPmod that grant your homecities lvl 100, without affecting your player stats (that are tied to your account not your civ)
With the current trends of the gaming industry we could end up paying for new cards the same we pay for doctrines now, or worse, end up in a reward rulete like the new loot boxes trend
![Honor icon](/images/replay/honor_icon.png)