1944 Latvia, OT-34 (T-34 with flamethrower instead machinegun), german soldiers and human skull. Who knows which skull it? I think, it maybe gypsum skull for more impressive photo.
Soviet engineers pulling explosive to german house, Breslau
"Flying torpedo" it's rocket M-13 (standart Katyusha's rocket) with additional corpus filled by TNT. These "flying torpedos" uses in street fights. On photo, soldier doing rings for corpus with TNT.
It maybe (very high chance) staging propaganda photo. Very good kept composition and elements like ammo, german helmet and "dead" soldier at right, too unnatural for real life.
Soviet soldiers and german bunker from Regenwurmlager ("Camp of rain worm") - top secret german high defensive subterranean factory in West Poland. Some buildings and bunkers still exist nowadays.