"Premium Service:
Digitalmindsoft guarantees you to release several free game updates including new content and features during the lifetime of the game. Because games are our passion, we are always eager to listen to community feedback and to improve our games. As an example, we released more than 10 free game updates for the original Assault Squad including plenty of new units."
A big FU to Relic right there. Kappa
Number of free updates to Assault Squad: 10 (their number)
Number of free updates to Company of Heroes 2: 19 (not including during alpha/beta)
Number of years since release of Assault Squad: 3ish
Number of years since release of Company of Heroes 2: 0.5ish
I think we're doing pretty good. Maybe you like the other game better, that's cool. But I think we're doing pretty good with ongoing support and updates.