Thank you very much for this guide, Hector. As a relatively new player I learnt a lot of things from this guide.
In my opinion, strongly criticising a guide is not allowed unless u try to write one yourself.
My only complain is that almost every new guide refers to 1v1 games. And new players are not playing 1v1 games very often. They prefer 2v2 or plus because they feel safer or count on the others until they r good enough.
Thanx again and I hope other strategists will follow your example and share the knowloedge.
#Steam AliasWL%Streak
- 1.43063.872+8
- 2.56480.876+3
- 3.800454.638-1
- 4.303163.650+3
- 5.313114.733+9
- 6.12744.743+1
- 7.194101.658-1
- 8.282161.637+1
- 9.371284.566-1
- 10.14059.704+7