Decided to re post this from the GR forums...
I just played my first match in Company of Heroes. I won by quite a big margin. I dominated in the early game mostly because I had better control of my units I think. I'm fairly decent (mind you this being my first match) at microing units. I have never played any RTS games competitively/seriously up until I heard CoH2 was coming out, and I wanted to start gearing up by playing the vanilla version of the game.
I have watched a lot of videos and strat guides, so I think that really helped my first game. I put the link of my first game at the bottom of this post. I'm mainly just looking for someone who can easily spot ways to improve. I know ALL areas need improvement. But Myabe look at the replay, and see what specifically stands out. What I'm doing good at will also be helpful. Im mainly trying to stick to one main build, and Im only playing as americans right now. I think until I get a frim grasp on my hotkeys I shouldnt really mix up my early builds. I kind of just want to get used to the game.
In this game specifically, I should have built a triage and I should have built BARs much earlier I think. I did a good job at keeping units up at the front lines and not idle in my base for the most part. That started to decline as I got more units out and onto the battlefield.
Unit preservation is also a big thing that I don't think I did HORRIBLE on, but it defiantly wasn't very good. I need to focus on that much more.
But if anyone who has played the game and knows quite a bit, would be willing to help me out...I'm pretty dedicated, I enjoy competitive games. I mainly started out playing FPS games, and got really far into the competitive Counter Strike scene. I moved to Console gaming for the past 4 years, and now with CoH2 coming out, and the more mature base that seems to appeal towards it is something I am looking forward to. I think this game takes more tactical smarts then fps, and surely those fps' that are console. So hopefully I can transition into this smoothly, I have abit of time before the new coh launches.