using panthers against either the 85 or e8 is a very good way to lose. everybody knows that stugs and jp's are way better medium tank killers then the panthers. well anybody except you.
That said 85's are fine omly the p4's of both factions are a bit to expensive.
the panther is beast at killing allied meds. engage at range at first, allied meds will never pen, you will. once their health is lower u can chase and smash. if your panther is getting swarmed hit blitzkrieg and poof in seconds, bait the retard mobiles (t3485) into AT/snares. free kills
of course this is under the assumption that u know how to hit the stop key whenever your panther is about to shoot. problem with jpziv and stug is that when going for chase it is way easy for them to get flanked. they are much better at keeping allied armor away, but not better at killing. ofc against moronic opponents that dont realize their tanks are getting hit then sure stug and jpz are better.