Well Ami, i can't speak for others, and i might be the only one who did ...
But yeah, i find it perfect to have a quick overview of who's streaming in a live drop-down bookmark in firefox, while remaining on the page i'm on
Or different other RSS apps/frontends i use anyway as i have lots of feeds
Thanks for the insights guys
Hi guys, nice to see the community active and gearing up for COH2 !
One thing about the new site that i miss from fulltimegeek is the RSS feed for online streamers
I noticed you can facebook and tweet everything from pretty much any website now, but i couldn't care less as i don't use either of those ...
Meanwhile, i love my RSS for bringing me the info i'm actually interested in : through firefox at work, my phone, an app or a widget on a linux desktop ...
Sure it's quick enough to open the livestreams page, but it's not exactly the same
Would you consider bringing that functionality back if technically possible ?
Keep up the good work