Hmm. I used to work a lot with wolves, along with my father in upper BC/NWT/Alaska/Yukon. Took up the name Loupblanc (Loup Blanc) or White wolf,
in French. On Easternfront forums, I am Loupblanc, or Loupblanc3.
Played world of warcraft for awhile, had Loupblanc for my main char,
and ChatteDouce (Gentle Cat, in French) got reported because people confused Douche (shower, in french) and chatte as in discussions. So Chat Douche.
Was asked to choose anew. That character was a Feline Feral Druid.
So "cat associated to my wolf main char). Which being a hunter, took up
a Black Panther which I promptly named wolfie's Feline.
So since tons and TONS of French people started using Loupblanc online,
I ended up using Felinewolfie which is both descriptive and relevant, given it's history
Also, I have a husky-wolf mix dog (called Krenayjia) and 2x Cats named
Mishka and Piotr
- Which love to run along with no leash when I walk
the puppy
Big happy family.
So that is why!