So where's the best place to get updates on this? The brackets link is nice but is there any stream schedule or just place where game times get posted? You're welcome to bump this thread as often as you like with new info or start another thread in Events Central.
edit: just noticed that I can't find the brackets link in this thread. What is it pls?
edit2: are there any VODs of DevM vs HQguy?
The best place to get updates is the tourney website where all the links are located
CoHWND3 website
Stream schedules and game times are arranged between player so it is not possible to find out when the games will happen unless the players themselves announce it personally and take care of it themselves. This is a bad thing for viewers cause they don't have the schedule of the events but it is a good thing for the players that actually play cause it allows them more freedom in finding time to play the games, and as a tourney organizer it is easier for me as well to organize 2 players than putting a fixed time for a match and have a disaster if a player doesn't show up cause he simply can't...that format would result in a bad quality of games or no games at all, been there done that.
BUT, for the bigger and more important events like the semifinals and finals which won't be livestreamed in public and will be livecasted by A_E, the man himself

, he will announce the exact time of when it will happen and it is not dependable on the games so it still gives the players enough time to arrange and play the games while the results will be kept secret and A_E will cast the events in the exact time that will be announced so we can please everyone.
edit1 answer: tourney website
edit2 answer: no vods unless the streamers didn't save them on their livestream, but the replays are uploaded and the link is also on the tourney website
Any more questions?
Any suggestions on how to improve the games-events-dates quality cause this system works on the expense of viewers which is not so good for the viewership but it works in the terms of organization. Cause we can play the tourney without viewers (which would suck), but we can't play the tourney without players.