1) Map pool: Angoville, Semois, Sturzdorf, Langres, Flooded Plains, Ruins of Rouen
2a) Maps will be chosen like the last time; players toss the coin, the winner chooses 1 map that he will ban, the
loser the second map, and the winner then chooses the map for the first 2 games between 2 remaining maps.
Cointoss on:
Example: Player 2 wins cointoss, Player 2 bans Angoville, Player 1 bans Semois, Player 2 picks Langres to be
2b) The player who won the cointoss chooses his army for the first game. First game starting locations MUST BE
RANDOM. Second game is a MIRROR MATCH, that means players switch their armies and play on FIXED POSITIONS
opposite from where they were in the 1st game. 3rd game has to be RANDOM LOCATIONS AGAIN, read more in rule 3.
3a) Rounds will be BO3, with Semois being the 3rd match map and the player that had more VP's left when he won
will choose his army for the 3rd game, loser is eliminated, winner advances to the next round
3b) Final match will be BO5, first game: cointoss, map1, random locations; second game: map1, mirror match; third
game: the loser of the first cointoss is automatically the winner now, map2, random locations; fourth game: map2,
mirror match; fifth game: semois, random locations, player that had more VP's in his first and second win chooses
the army
4) Only vanila armies: Wehrmacht and US army
5) Each participant has to join the steamgroup for the tournament to easily find other participants and opponents
steamgroup --->
6) Each round will take 4 days, in first 2 days players can arrange the time of the match by themselves, if they
don't agree about the time, there will be the third day in which the players have to play the game at 12:00 UTC,
who doesn't show up at that specific time lost the round...the fourth day will be pause, use that day to arrange
the matches and to meet your opponent. If your oppenent doesn't show up prove that you were there by posting in
steam group at 12:00.
7) Winner gets 60% of the prize pool, 2nd place 30%, 3rd place 10%.
8) Winner must send replays to
9) Banned players cause they didn't show up for the last tourney and didn't apologize: TheSkyIsTheLimit,
10) Participants will be chosen by their current CoH 1v1 Wehrmacht and US rank (Wehr + US, the smaller the sum,
better the rank), on 20.2.2017, while legends (Noggano, DevM...) will have their place reserved if they apply, so
make sure you get that rank up.
11) Brackets will be: (this is currently being voted) totally random or random with seeding, made on 20.2.-23.2.
12) Some other rules my be added in the process, rules won't be changed after 27.2.2017., but may change before
that at any time, updates on