However you should keep in mind for future, that the automatch system will start expanding the skill level range if an opponent of similar skill level isn't found. After a while, you can end up facing either a top 10 or top 10 000 opponent. This happens from time to time - it's not because of bad matchmaking but rather because of a relatively small playerbase.
Keep this in mind and don't get frustrated after losing, it's part of the game!
Check this link for more details about how the matchmaking and ELO works:
Welcome to the community!
I see, that makes sense! thank you
The matchmaking has been like this for ever, on one level it's good that it expands the search so you can get a match instead of waiting another 10 minutes to get a balanced match, this might be frustrating for a while, especially while playing the placement matches
It becomes frustrating at 2v2 and up since the matchmaking doesn't really think twice about it and throws you with a level 27 ranked 7k mate against a top 100 team, this have happened to me a few times
Good to know

Welcome to
If you want I can give you some matches where you can learn some protyps and general gameplay and strategical depth of this game.
And dont worry , as others pointed out , after few matches you will have you win / loss ration near 50 %.
Just remebmer that playerbase is not huge so when proplayer (top 100 for you , as you categorised them top100) has no one to play against in his level , then he will get matched against someone much weaker (cause he does not want to wait 30 minutes until there be other good player)
a person can easily play AI to level up so dont judge a player by experience rank.
there are alot of streamers that u can watch to learn more about the game has guides
Play vs AI
also u can watch live games of ppl playing to get an idea of what they are doing.
Thank you guys for all the explanation, I will check more guides/VODS