ehhhhhh what the hell is pre doc3(pre doctries?)and what am i suppose to do here,you didn't really explain that ?
pre doc3 is before he reach 3 level or doctrine or w/e it's called. just attack with yer infantry. If he was planning a early pit, then he will be under manned and u will overpower him (bleed and force full retreat).
He shouldn't be able to build pit or if he does it will be on a less interesting spot leaving you room to just play around it (or double mortar it if ya cant get near). If the early pit is set then mortar /mg at rounds / smallarms it cuz he won't be able to fight back consistantly. he may overstay with his squad in a desesperate attempt to defend it, leading to squad wipe.
If he does his first pit later then it's harder to destroy it but still managable. if u are in 2v2 communicate with your mate to do a joint attack on it. the earlier the better, when it's not vetted and ukf may not have done all the layout he wants (mines, pit upgrade, fp, fprepair). imo destroying a pit should be top priority if he is on a annoying position, it's a 400 mp sitting duck.
so far the only thing i appreciate in the AER is repair on FP. it make it feel worth it.
So far early pit works only vs passive opponents. will experiment more and report.