True, but i've beaten more than one tournament winner... and that wouldn't happen in SC2. I don't claim that i'm top player, but i've been more than solid lvl 16 with vcoh armies, and even top10 wehr and american when I had the time to play more. And i'm almost 40 yo with a job, wife and kids.
I'm arguing that difference between good (ie lvl16) and top players should be greater. If anyone can get almost as good as CoH experts with not so serious practicing that's bad for a game as e-sport. Look at the amount of dedication and practicing that's required to become good in SC2 and compare it with CoH. People (spectators) admire the skill and dedication of top players because it's extraordinary, not merely slightly better.
Coh is a random numbers game. Anyone decent can beat a top player with a little luck and something going hhis way. But it will only happen like 1 in 100. Levels mean nothing in coh. Anyone who can be fucked spamming games can be level 16++. All that matters is tiurnies really. That's where the best come out to play.