Changes to Loot Drops
Firstly the system will no longer drop duplicate items. Additionally, you now only receive items for factions that you own (Prior to this update drops were biased towards the currently played army but were possible for all armies.). You may now also receive a new currency called Supply as a Warspoils drop. You can use Supply to buy items from the in game store such as bulletins, skins, or commanders.
Changes to the Post Game Rewards Screen
You can tell exactly when you will get your next reward from the loot bar which is shown in the player card.
* Each game you play you will receive 1500 points. 500 Bonus Points are awarded to the match winners.
* Once you have 6000 loot points you’ll get a loot drop that will contain a random item from an army you own, or an amount of Supply.
Changes to the In-game Store
You can now purchase Intel Bulletins, Victory Strikes, and Decals from the in game store using Supply. Simply go to the items tab and select the category you are interested in. There is a drop down filter so you can easily browse bulletins of the type you are interested in. You can also use the search feature to find what you are looking for.
Changes to Inventory
Players can have only 1 type of any item equipped in a single loadout now. This is mostly in reference to Intel Bulletin stacking since players now have quick and easy access to the entire bulletin set via the in game store.
Converting Your Duplicate items to Supply
You will have the option to convert all your existing duplicates into Supply from the Inventory Screen. Simply select Show Salvageable Items and then click the Salvage All button. Optionally, you can also salvage your duplicates one by one by right clicking on a duplicate and clicking "Salvage".
Supply Value for Salvaging Duplicates
All duplicates are salvaged at 500 Supply each. This was done because we want to reward the time players invested into the game over how lucky they may have been. Indeed, while the number of items you ended up getting is a direct function of time / how much you have played, the nature of those items that dropped was really purely random – and it will still mostly be this way after the update (we will just ensure you don’t get drops for factions you don’t own). Therefore, how many commanders you may have gotten out of playing the game compared to another player, for instance, is really just the result of sheer luck. On the opposite, the number of items you ended up accumulating overall compared to another player is the direct result of your difference in commitment to playing the game on a regular basis – which is what we want to reward you for.
Match Validation
A new validation system is in place to make sure that only players who play a fair game receive Loot Points after a match. This is – you won’t get loot points if you go AFK or don't significantly contribute to a game. A daily Loot Point Limit (24,000 Loot Points or 12 wins) has been applied to modded games to help minimize War Spoils farming.
Automatch/Leaderboard Level Up
If you increase your leaderboard level after an automatch game there is now a post game acknowledgement to celebrate!
Map Select Screen
We’ve redone the Map select screen so that maps can be filtered and displayed by game type and ordered alphabetically. This makes it much easier to find the maps your looking for.
Match Select Screen
Match select screen now allows filtering by match type