The Pak Howitzer and M8 Scott are really over performing at the moment. Especially in the late game, random pak howie and m8 scott barrages can one shot max vet infantry. Mortars were changed to reduce the chances of one shot wipes so I think it's only fair that the pak howie and m8 scott get changed too.
My personal experiences playing against USF (1v1) have been pak howie white phos barrages into my base, double scott drive by killing anything in range, followed by a human wave of paratroopers + riflemen. I think its honestly retarded playing against a faction like this, especially when I can dominate the early game but still get destroyed later on because of untouchable indirect fire. Notice how priests have stopped being used and been replace with pak howies? I wonder why...
A lefh or ml20 static emplacement can still be countered with appropriate call in arty or counter barrage. But a pak howie has the same killing power but with the ability to move? Tiny bit dumb if you ask me. In fact there have been games where my lefh on counterbarrage was destroyed by a pak howie LOL
Here's some changes that I propose,
Increase pop cap on pak howie
Reduce speed that pak howie can move
Remove vet 3 damage buff
Place a 30-45 muni cost on its barrage, so that usf players can't just spam barrages and still have vet riflemen with double bars at 15 min.
Scotts can be changed the same way. They can be used much more like a t70/fast brumbar than a support unit.
Add 30-45 muni cost on its moving barrage.
Decrease AoE damage.
Remove smoke canisters but increase its health by 120 so that it cannot be two shot by tanks. |
this sov is honestly rlly frustrating to play against. giant penal blobs + double scout car/t70 |
Imo the buff is strong enough on its own, cons being able to transition into a 240 mp bait/meatshield and at snare in the late game to screen team weapons and tanks is more than enough of a buff for soviets rn. |
Chaotic game |
Such mechanic is already implemented: the further is the target the higher is the spread. The problem you guys might have is that while in case of alpha strike units like PW lower spread is always better, in case of area denial like LM it is sometimes better to have higher spread in order to lock bigger area. I can't think of any solution to that though other than decreasing max range of such units and that may make them useless.
You also need to consider that allied rocket artillery has low trajectory rockets that can't be shot from behind many shotblockers, like forests, becouse they simply hit them. PW and stuka, if well positioned, do not have that problem and it is an important advantage.
I am aware of that mechanic, and I'm proposing that the max range scatter be increased even more for all rocket arty units, axis and allies.
Perhaps, just increasing the cooldown of barrage and reducing the vet 2 cooldown bonus would be enough? I feel that the "low trajectory" rockets don't really factor much into team games; On maps like road to kharkov, minsk pocket, rails and metal. I'm not as worried about land mattresses as they are relatively slow and easy to catch out, however Katyushas don't really risk much for the player using them. As long as allied team has sufficient infantry and anti-tank, katyushas just help to control the map even more, even more so that forward reinforce points such as the OKW battlegroup has already been nerfed. Team-weapon centric strategies are basically fish in a barrel at that point, including the current state of soviet sniper + guards combo. |
I checked it out for you:
-PW shoots 10 rockets in one quick salvo
-Katy shoots 4 rockets in each of its 4 salvos.
-Calliope shoots 3 salvos, first 2 have 7 rockets, the last one has 4 rockets.
-LM shoots 30 rockets in one, very slow salvo.
This basically means that only PW and calliope have any real damage potential becouse after first initial salvo, or in case of LM first initial few shots, every sane player repositions. LM and katy are much more area denial tools than damage dealers.
If you want to learn to use PW better, you should try using it as close as possible, behind a shotblocker. This lets you use main advantages of the unit such as big alpha strike and high projectile trajectory and avoid its main weakness, high spread.
This is what I'm suggesting, lets change most rocket arty to high risk high reward units similar to pwerfer, where they have to get closer to the action in order to deal any real damage. My theory for this is that most of the maps for team games are usually long and narrow, hence it is almost impossible to get through any flanking unit to deal with katy; not to mention, high ranking players will shift queue their artillery pieces back to base once its done with barrage. By increasing scatter at max range, players will be more incentivised to think whether they should barrage from max range and risk wasting their long cool down or to go in closer and have a chance of doing a lot of damage to enemies. |
Post patch, most artillery feels way less harmful than before in my opinion. If you place your OKW truck so aggressive that it can be destroyed by indirect fire without the enemy having to push then it is your own fault. I usually place my Medic HQ in my base (in 1v1) and the Flak HQ at the fuel/cutoff to defend it.
The Flak HQ didn't get an "extra anti air ability" - The ability to target airplane is now just toggable with a 30 seconds cooldown. In this time, the flak WILL NOT shoot at infantry. So it is now either/or and not, shoot down the planes and then immediately fire at inf again.
No, we're not.

I honestly don't give a damn about your posts because every single one of them is just a stupid biased Axis fanboy rant. You're rank is far beyond 1.000 and still your personating as the balance guru in person:
L2P or learn to give constructive feedback. But reading "huhuhu I can't win easily while playing Axis" is getting extremely annoying because you want to turn every single thread into this fanboy bullshit.
I'm not talking about the game in terms of 1v1, because the game is fine now in 1v1s. Indirect fire isn't that big a deal for 1v1 due to the current map pool and easy accessibility to base dives. It's in the 2s and up where getting indirect fire especially rocket artillery is just becoming more and more of an "easy MP bleed" tool that really takes the fun out of CoH2.
I'm giving feedback where the FBP was actually meant to balance out the game in terms of team games. I feel like while most of the units have been evened out somewhat. Rocket arty has more or less always been an unfun but necessary aspect of the game somewhat, i'm just proposing some changes that'll make it easier to deal with but still let it retain its role for breaking up team weapon blobs. |
After playing Coh 2 post fall balance patch, I strongly feel that indirect fire and call-in arty shifts the balance of power come lategame in the favour of allies. Katyusha's, Land Mattresses, Calliopes and Priests are all incredibly effective when it comes to dislodging axis defensive positions and OKW trucks. Hell, it's so easy to just drop an il-2 bombing strike + katy barrage to instagib a Schwere HQ.
As an Allied player, I understand the need to have strong indirect fire option to counter team weapon spam, but when you invest 135 fuel into a tech building and you place it down on your cutoff near base sector and it still gets wrecked; It's just a bit unfair isn't it? OKW was designed to be able to plop down base buildings on the map to maintain map control as they take longer to get going, but this is ridiculous. 2x 120mm mortar wrecks everything now, team weapons? Kapoof! Schwere HQ? Bye-bye! Not to mention 120mm only needs one man to crew.
I suggest increasing the max range scatter for all indirect fire weapons. Similar to Pzwerfer, you need to have some risk when firing rocket artillery and the like. Katyushas should also be the same in that you need to be medium range at best to even be effective. I also suggest decreasing damage against buildings for rocket artillery and 120mm mortar similar to how priests are like right now. |
Trying out new build with pzgrens as core inf instead of grens  |