How does stopping of OKW truck building work? I know for sure that bringing it to 0 health during building does not return resources to OKW player, my question is when the truck is under fire and I abort the building, do I get resources back? Or maybe aborting it never returns resources, even when not in combat?
You get resources back proportionate to the amount of health it had when you cancelled it.
Say you cancel the flak truck when it's at 50% health. Out of the 200 mp and 80 fuel you spend on it, you only get 100 mp and 40 fuel back because of its health at the moment of cancellation.
Or at least that's how I've seen it every time I've cancelled my trucks. Or any other emplacement, bunker, or building I had to make(I see this proportionate health:resources with brit emplacements as well).