You're welcome. |
Your idea of periodic small patches taking care of predefined, singular problems (A.K.A. the scope) has failed miserably. You may maintain the view that it is to prevent huge imbalances that would be difficult to predict and fix, but in the end it blocks very meaningful changes; I remember huge patches years ago, not talking about redesigns, but the patches before Western Front Armies. The patchnotes pages long and of quality, not quantity. Where is your ability to balance so many things at once now, where did it go? I am very glad you saw my harsh comment, so you can consider what I wrote now.
Also adding conscripts to the scope would be sweet.
So your advice is to fix everything at once and to add conscripts to scope. And that 20+ pages of patch notes is "small patches" addressing "singular problems". Got it. Thanks for the great feedback, will definitely consider it for the future. |
I love how clueless Relic is in understanding how to unfuck their games
Please, teach us. Grace us with your knowledge. |
Technically this is false. There was a post on the P4 in the Winter Balance Preview Feedback thread and since this was out of scope of the patch I move it out. That is all. Or is it? |
last time i checked, you don't work for free to get your stuff "approved" by a boss.
Relic gives to these community balancer a real power and no approval needed or just fuck off, that's how it works.
if kyle disagree, he can still come here and explain us why he should still approove things ...
oh wait, he is not even on this forum.
nothing personnal against kyle or relic, just common sense.
Lolz, yeah, what could possibly go wrong? |
Not really, noggano didn't realise until the quarter finals ( I may be wrong but I was the one that warned him) that this was written anywhere and that you would need to go to vancouver or you would be disqualified. So he did in fact try to contact an admin but it was also kind of late. Basically noggano should have talked to an admin before the event started.
Noggano was CC'ed in the email that was sent that stated this prior to the start of the tournament. |
"All WPC participants were explicitly told via email before the tournament started that if they cannot attend the Grand Finals in Vancouver to inform the tournament organizer immediately" [...] Direct contact via email, Skype, and/or Steam was available to all competitors and not one player contacted the tournament admin saying they would not be able to attend"
admin fail?
I don't want to get into a he said/she said, but unfortunately this is untrue. Noggano is able to reach me directly on Steam and has my direct email. No attempt to contact me was made prior to the semi-finals. After the semi-finals, I reached out to Noggano and eventually he got back to me a couple days later to inform me he would be unable to attend. |

Kyle trolling on downtime. Still waiting on that mortar fix Relic....
Its coming today! Totally worth the wait too. |
Reported bugs with the USF 81mm Mortar are currently being investigated and will be fixed as soon as possible. |
Neat! Are you guys aware of the Volksgrenadier Vet4+ bug that removes the panzerfaust ability on them, or the USF 81mm mortar having an autofire range of 120mm? (These were mentioned on the shoutbox earlier, and they also turned out to be true when I tested them.)
Yes, both will be fixed in the patch later this week. |