I don't think anyone ever would have any intrest to exclude Australians or people outside EU/NA timezones. (we are 8 hours apart good damn it stop bunching us up )
Since in some tournies you want as many players as possible excluding anyone is stupid.
But it is harder to organize the games and I believe some players might be turned off by that, organizers are not. I remember the Nations Cup we had I think it was NZ vs Brazil or something like that. Not the easiest to get going.
As an organizer you can like Cyanara pointed out, just stream whenever you have most viewers, so I do not think any organizer are reluctant to include any of you guys down under.
Hmmmmmmmm exclude probably wasnt the best word haha tbh i couldnt think of a better,more accurate word.
I can understand the struggle it may be to orgainise a tournament that involves those outside the EU/NA areas. How did that tourney turn out?
And I am by no means meaning to offend anybody, if I am, i sincerely apologise >.<