On paper I should love this but I wasn't very impressed by that video. What's the core gameplay? I have no idea.
You could try their early game Wargame: European Escalation and refunding it within two hours if it really doesn't click with you (though naturally, it lacks features their later games include...so you could try those too).
In general, it's a bit like CoH with no constructing buildings and on a larger-scale with the differences that implies.
Control the particular territories to win (any territory can only be held by having a "command" unit within them), and these territories give you the single resource used for buying units. Terrain (forests, town's blocks, elevations, and not-affecting-in-anyway everything else) and combat is largely more abrupt with infantry taking a particular defensive meatshield role (or ambush, given terrain and their line-of-sight implications largely serve to even up the disparities between infantry and vehicles) considering most vehicles
heavily outranging, outrunning and outgunning them, and dice rolls are limited to accuracy and scattering missed shots that are total crapshoots to hit anything. Morale is modeled into combat a bit like the Total War series, with worsening morale nerfing units until they rout away from the fighting, though it mostly boils down to "Taking lots of suppression makes units worse" like CoH and avoids other considerations unlike Total War. There's a veterancy mechanic, but it's hardly like CoH where you can expect sufficient micro will give it to most, if not all, units - a larger-scale means a lot of stuff can die immediately or close to it. There's also a supply mechanic where supply units heal, fuel, and replenish ammo for the combat units. Unlike CoH's commanders, players make their
entire unit list "deck" out of the options available to them (later games expanded the system with optional limitations for bonuses or new units in return).
The Wargame series (and from what I can tell, probably Steel Division: Normandy 44 as well) definitely has more in common with CoH than the typical RTS, but it's still fairly different from CoH too.
My opinion led me to not really like most of the differences myself, I much prefer CoH's "Band of Brothers AS AN RTS!" style. I can definitely say it's probably worth a try for any CoH fans, though.