There were many good games in the tourney and fortunately,I won 1st prize in NA division.
Thank you for all who fought against me,it's all GG.And thank you for all who cheered me up
Overall it was a good tourney,but,I found the rules was quite a bit of fuzzy.
First,we don't know the game will be BO1 or BO3 at all.The rule says "BO1 / Quarter Finals and above: BO3"
But every round has its number:there are no word "Quarter" or "Final".
At first,there were 6 rounds in the NA tourney so we could suppose Round 6 should be the Final,and Round 5 should be the Semi Final and Round 4 shuld be the Quarter one.
However,all rounds ended in BO1.How did I got to know that?Well,both sides(me and my opponent) have to confirm the result on ESL tourney page after each game,and when both sides checked the result after 1st match,ESL says you are winner/loser of the round.
In fact,even the final round was BO1.I wonder where is Quarter Finals and above
Second is about Schedule.I said there were 6 rounds in NA Cup.When the torney began,I remember there were only 6 rounds:it was one less than Euro Cup so it remains in my memory.
Finally,I played 10 rounds poped out after me and PauL.a.D finished THE FINAL.
How do you feel if you are told that you have to work more 4 hours just after 8 hours hard work.I believe this lead to karoshi
Furthermore,ESL also said the Cup has finished...I have no idea at all.
Below is SS of my ESL page.It was taken the end of Round 9,yes Round 10 (vs.VindicareX again) hadn't finished yet.But the right side of the page declare that the Cup has finished and I'm No.1
Are you confused? ME TOO!!!
Third thing is the different rule from EU Cup.Admin of the ESL said that additional rounds popped out because not all players had lost two times.
They said NA tourney has 2 lives so the tourney lasts until all players (except winner) defeat two times.Well,I admit EU Cup is different from NA Cup,but EU Cup decided its winner although there remains only 1 loss player(like jove,Jesulin).
The biggest victim is PauL.a.D He should be No.1 in NA division.He won all games (he beat me at Round 6) but he must not know that I'm zombie which has two lives

He didn't show up after Round 7.
I especially praise his Mental strength.He is the only one who joined both EU and NA Cup! Playing almost 24 hours at high level isn't the usual.Great PauL.a.D
And as RedxWings says,there are sooooo loooooong waiting.I bet Vindicare didn't come last match because he took a nap or just bored of waiting.
After all,I won the 1st prize because I manage to go on playing.My torney time is more than 12 hours...I'm so tired now.